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6th grade graduation

On the last day of school since I am a 6th grader I will have so many different emotions. I will be Sad, Excided, scared and Proud.
I will be sad because I have to leave all my amazing teachers. I will be excited because I will ge to meet tons of new people in my new school but I will also be scared to meet and see new people. And I will be Proud that I made it through kindergarten through 6th grade.


1) Miami
2) Mexico
3) Minnesota
4) Utah
5) Florida
6) Canada
7) California
8) New York
9) Madagascar
10) Chicago
11) Main
12) Paris
13) Pittsburg
14) London
15) Wyoming
16) Spain
17) Dallas
18) Phoenix
19) Ufa
20)San Diego

My pink Paige

If I got to choose a color to express my friend Paige’s personality it would be light pink because she is always funny and especially sweet. she is bubbly and hyper and she wears that color a lot. lol I hope you read this Paige 🙂

My friend RARA

My friend Tyra helps me in so many ways. But I cant list all of them, so I will just list three reasons for now. 1. She is kind and loving. 2. She is that friend you always need. 3. She always finds a way to make me laugh. But one thing I think she could work on is not making me laugh at inappropriate times. To Tyra, love Soy 🙂