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Since today is national nut day i am going to write about my favorite kinds of nut. Me and my best friend love trail mix especially the penuts beacuse they are salty and sweet. We also love penut butter! We snack on it all the time.  Thanks for visiting my blog 😉



If someone is in a bad mood around me i would cheer them up by telling them jokes. If that didnt work i would give them some candy. Maybe i would even show them some of my favorite funny pictures of animals. So if you have someone in a bad mood around you and you want to cheer them up try some of these stratgies.


If i could explore any place in the world it would be paris because i have never been there. I would love to see the Effel Tower.
It would be cool to see there life style if it is simalar of differint to ours.
thanks for reading 🙂