Entries Tagged as ''

11/26/14 national cake day (YAY!)

Party time! Today is national cake day. What is your favorite cake? Mine is cherry chip and vanilla frosting. Ice cream is also good with cake. That’s why they make ice cream cakes! LOL now I am hungry. 🙂

11/18/14 Micky mouses birthday!

Happy Birthday Mickey Mouse! Today is Mickey Mouse’s birthday, If I where to make another friend for Mickey Mouse I would make a horse because there aren’t alot of horses in cartoons i’ve noticed. I dont get it there is a famous sponge cartoon but there isn’t a famous horse cartoon!!!!! Anyways the horse’s name would be Pandora because its a unique NAME.


Dear Mom,

Since today is mom and dad day i dicided to write a letter to you. Thank you for always being there for me. I especially love it when we go on vacations to Hawaii and Montana. (Hope you read this Mom)



11/5/14 peanut butter

This month is national Peanut Butter month. Did you know in some schools they cant have Peanut Butter because some kids are allergic to it. I think its unfair to the kids who aren’t allergic because they cant have penut butter and jelly sandwitches. They also cant have apples and peanut butter. THATS TORTURE!!!                  Visit my blog soon 😉



Today is  national candy day! YAY! If i was a candy maker i would make a candy called edible bubbles. There would be tons of differint flavors like cherry, blueberry, rootbeer and bubblegum. Haha get it bubble gum.      Thanks for visiting my crazy blog, LOL!