Entries Tagged as ''


13 days till I go to Hawaii! I am so excited. I will get to wake up to the beach site. My brother wants to get a shark tooth necklace. Next Wednesday is the Hallaween party. It will be fun.


Today I had a fun time at school. I played with my friends. We made flowers out of straws and pipe cleaners.


Today I had a good time at school. I played hide and go seek with my friends. Tonight my family and I are going to open swim at sohi. My cat Manny scared me to death last night right as I was going up stairs he popped out from beside me! 😉

all about zoey ;-)

This is the start of my blog! This week I accomplished my botony photo story. On Monday Katelynn and I went to Vergines Dance.  I had a good time.  26 days until my vacation to Hawaii.  Im so excited!

Botony photo story

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